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Handling Difficult Conversations with Clients
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What You Can Expect
L103: Survey: What is it like today?
Lesson 1: Introduction
L101: Video - introduction, Objectives and Expectations
L102: Navigating This Course
L104: PDF - Workplace Bullying and Disruptive Behavior
L103a: Survey - How Well Do You Handle Difficult Conversations?
Lesson 2: What is Not Working in the Current Workplace
L201: Video - Current State of the Workplace
L202: Activity - Changing the Current State
L203: Case Study - Civility in America
Lesson 3: Lessons from Professionals Who Deliver Bad News Frequently
L301: Professionals at Delivering Bad News
L302: Activity - Communicating Effectively with Coworkers
L303: Article - What the Experts Suggest
Lesson 4: Types of Difficult Workplace Conversations
L401: Types of Conversations
L402: Scramble - Cummunicating Effectively with Coworkers
L403: Infographic - Difficult Conversations in Britian
Lesson 5: The Steps to Improve Conversations - and How Do We Get There?
L501: What Skills Are Needed to Improve Conversations (4:25)
L502: Video - Actionable Change Start With You (0:15)
L503: PDF - 20 Ways to Promote Humility and Respect
Lesson 6: Summary
Video: Summary / Feedback (2:14)
Attendee Evaluation of the Course
Lesson 7: Resources and Tips
L703: Workplace Difficult - Searching for Your Next Job?
L704: Thank you!
What You Can Expect
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